Mobility Scooter Batteries

If the battery in your scooter needs to be replaced, or if you want to upgrade its performance, there are some great options we have picked out. Designs that are minimal, light, and small are convenient for transporting. Be sure to check they are compatible with your mobility scooter model.

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Last Updated on February 29, 2024 | Published: October 13, 2022

12V Mobility Scooter Battery - Twin Pack - 12AH

What Do You Need To Know When Buying  Mobility Scooter Batteries

Be sure to make sure the battery you purchase is compatible with your mobility scooter.

How To Buy A Mobility Scooter Battery

The best way to buy Mobility Scooter Batteries online is to shop around first, as there are so many different ones to pick from, so do your research first and make sure the battery you buy is compatible with your scooter. 

Where To Buy Mobility Scooter Batteries

You can buy Mobility Scooter Batteries online, and we have picked some that may help on this page.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Mobility Scooter Batteries?

The benefits of having a mobility scooter battery mean you can travel long distances with your mobility scooter and not worry about your battery running out.

What Should I Look Out For When Choosing A Mobility Scooter Battery?

When shopping for Mobility Scooter Batteries, you should look at the following:

  • Cost
  • Reviews
  • Battery size
  • Power source

How To Get A Lower Cost On A Batteries

The best way to get great value is to search around first and don’t buy directly from the first shop you come across. Also look for cost savers such as next day delivery so you can save money there as well.

1 Pair / 2 X 12V 36AH (30AH 31AH 33AH 34AH 35AH) SuperBatt SB12-36 Sealed Rechargeable VRLA AGM Battery for Mobility Scooter & Wheelchair
SLK Power Mobility Scooter AGM Battery 1 x 12v 36ah Quality and Performance, Reliable and Long Lasting Replacement Batteries for Electric Scooters and Wheelchairs
2 x LUCAS Mobility Scooter/Powerchair batteries. 12V 20Ah also replaces 18Ah & 22Ah
Lithium Battery For Mobie,Smarti Folding Mobility Scooter
Lithium Battery for Folding Electric Mobility Scooter Mobie Smarti Genie
1 Pair / 2 X 12V 36AH (30AH 31AH 33AH 34AH 35AH) SuperBatt SB12-36 Sealed Rechargeable VRLA AGM Battery for Mobility Scooter & Wheelchair
SLK Power Mobility Scooter AGM Battery 1 x 12v 36ah Quality and Performance, Reliable and Long Lasting Replacement Batteries for Electric Scooters and Wheelchairs
2 x LUCAS Mobility Scooter/Powerchair batteries. 12V 20Ah also replaces 18Ah & 22Ah
Lithium Battery For Mobie,Smarti Folding Mobility Scooter
Lithium Battery for Folding Electric Mobility Scooter Mobie Smarti Genie
Price not available
Price not available
1 Pair / 2 X 12V 36AH (30AH 31AH 33AH 34AH 35AH) SuperBatt SB12-36 Sealed Rechargeable VRLA AGM Battery for Mobility Scooter & Wheelchair
1 Pair / 2 X 12V 36AH (30AH 31AH 33AH 34AH 35AH) SuperBatt SB12-36 Sealed Rechargeable VRLA AGM Battery for Mobility Scooter & Wheelchair
Price not available
SLK Power Mobility Scooter AGM Battery 1 x 12v 36ah Quality and Performance, Reliable and Long Lasting Replacement Batteries for Electric Scooters and Wheelchairs
SLK Power Mobility Scooter AGM Battery 1 x 12v 36ah Quality and Performance, Reliable and Long Lasting Replacement Batteries for Electric Scooters and Wheelchairs
Price not available
2 x LUCAS Mobility Scooter/Powerchair batteries. 12V 20Ah also replaces 18Ah & 22Ah
2 x LUCAS Mobility Scooter/Powerchair batteries. 12V 20Ah also replaces 18Ah & 22Ah
Lithium Battery For Mobie,Smarti Folding Mobility Scooter
Lithium Battery For Mobie,Smarti Folding Mobility Scooter
Lithium Battery for Folding Electric Mobility Scooter Mobie Smarti Genie
Lithium Battery for Folding Electric Mobility Scooter Mobie Smarti Genie

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Battery To Use In A Mobility Scooter?

Lithium-ion cells are your best option when looking for batteries for a mobility scooter if money is no object. Though more costly, they can outlast regular deep cycle, flooded, or Gel batteries by a factor of ten or more. Some estimates suggest that the range of a vehicle on a single charge may be increased by as much as 40 per cent when using lithium batteries.

How Long Do Mobility Scooter Batteries Last?

​​Assuming you take good care of your mobility scooter, you should expect it to last up to two years. These batteries may last for three full years if properly charged and maintained.

Can I Put A Higher Ah Battery In My Mobility Scooter?

YES. Lead Crystal and Lithium batteries may be used as replacements for mobility scooters.

Are Mobility Scooter Batteries Vat Exempt?

Many battery sellers provide batteries to people with impairments that are VAT-free.

Are Mobility Scooter Batteries Deep Cycle?

Deep Cycle AGM and Gel Sealed Lead Acid batteries are the most popular mobility batteries.

Are All Mobility Scooter Batteries The Same?

All scooters and wheelchairs come with the same kind of batteries, often known as “sealed” batteries or VLRA (valve-regulated lead acid). Two of the various variations of these batteries that are available are AGM (absorbed glass mat) and gel batteries.

How Long Do Batteries Last On A Mobility Scooter?

Even though most manufacturers normally provide a 12-month warranty, mobility scooter batteries should have an average lifespan of up to 18 months, depending on usage. When used for “moderate” mobility demands, such as riding your scooter once or twice a week, the battery may last up to three years.

How Many Batteries Does A Mobility Scooter Have?

Basic mobility scooters only need 12 Ah of electricity, but giant 8 mph or powerful powerchairs need 70 Ah. Larger, more costly batteries have higher capacities.

Can Mobility Scooter Batteries Be Reconditioned?

Reconditioning your battery will increase its lifespan. This should be done by a professional.

Can You Upgrade Mobility Scooter Batteries For Greater Range?

Yes, you can upgrade mobility scooter batteries for greater range. You should consult a professional to do this. 

Mobility Scooter Batteries Key Points

  • It’s a good idea to keep your mobility scooter’s batteries charged.
  • If the battery is fitted, you can recharge most mobility scooters.
  • Don’t forget to factor in the cost of power when setting a budget for your scooter.
  • The best mobility battery for your mobility scooter is one that will be able to handle the range and use you will need it.
  • When your mobility scooter batteries are at the end of their life, you can get new batteries to replace them to keep your mobility scooter running for longer.
  • Some mobility companies can offer disabled people a maintenance-free and excellent service for installing mobility scooters and other batteries.

Break-In Period For Mobility Scooter Batteries

Wheelchair users who are often on the go need to recharge their batteries periodically. The battery size has been improved to provide a longer runtime for some more demanding applications needing specialised batteries. After around 20-25 recharges, gel batteries begin to operate better than when you first purchased them. To get the most out of a charging system, you must start it from a fully charged state. As a result, you’ll be able to go further and last longer with it.

Different Battery Options For Mobility Scooters

You may renew batteries for mobility scooters, but you should replace them every year or two. Plugging the device into a regular electrical socket is all it takes to get it going. It’s a good idea to keep your mobility scooter’s batteries charged.

Charging Your Mobility Scooter Battery

Your scooter’s battery life is shown via a display on the controls. Make sure that the battery is in excellent working condition before using it. If the battery is fitted, you can recharge most mobility scooters. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of power when setting a budget for your scooter.

Mobility Scooter Battery Range

Stay within the manufacturer’s indicated range of delays to make your trip more enjoyable. Several variables influence the scooter’s journey distance.

Which Mobility Scooter Battery Is The Best?

The best mobility batteries for your mobility scooter is one that will be able to handle the range and use you will need it. Mobility scooter batteries are just like a car battery where they have a life span. There are supply batteries you can find here.

What Is The Average Life Expectancy Of A Battery For A Mobility Scooter?

You may expect between 18 and 24 months from a standard scooter if properly maintained and used. If charged correctly and stored in a cool, dry place, this battery has a three-year life expectancy.

Mobility Scooters Utilise What Kind Of Battery?

Batteries are available in various shapes, sizes, and capacities. You may use a vLRA (valve-controlled lead acid) or a sealed battery in scooters and wheelchairs with a single battery. It’s possible to buy either AGM or Gel batteries.

Getting A Replacement Battery For A Mobility Scooter

When your mobility scooter batteries are at the end of their life, you can get new batteries to replace them to keep your mobility scooter running for longer. There are various batteries, such as gel cell batteries, lead-acid batteries and AGM batteries. It all depends on what battery your stairlift can handle.