Delichon is one of the UK’s top providers of Custom Seating for wheelchair users. In addition to our unique Foam-Karve process for the production of special seating, we manufacture our own 3-Wheel Delta All-Terrain Buggy suitable for children and adults and are the UK distributor for the amphibious Hippocampe All-Terrain Beach Wheelchair.
Set up as a family business in 1996 by Martin and P-J Davy, Delichon is a small company that cares about all its customers and its products. Based in converted farm buildings in the tiny village of Martin, Hampshire, our team of dedicated staff work hard to provide a friendly, caring and efficient service.
The Foam-Karve machine, and the system for manufacturing custom seating for wheelchairs in this way, were invented by Managing Director, Martin Davy, back in June 1991. Developed from a middle of the night brainwave it has gone on to be copied world-wide, and the Foam-Karve name has been adopted as a generic name for many types of custom contoured foam seating, as well as remaining our trademark.
Originally set up as a special seating company in 1996 we became aware that although our seating on a wheelchair provided a functional and comfortable base for everyday school and home use, our customers were, in the main, unable to get out and about easily in the countryside and to more remote locations. We were one of the first companies to use three wheeled All-Terrain buggies to get disabled children and adults out and about. We started by offering a standard baby buggy back in 1996 and this was followed by a range of other buggies, which we adapted as necessary. In 2007 we launched our own ATB – the Delta. Using all the information we had gained over the years and our extensive seating knowledge we have developed an excellent seating position within the canvas which is suitable for a range of clients, including those with more complex postural requirements. Designed and developed by us, and manufactured in the UK, the Delta has quickly become the answer to how do we get out and about.
2013 saw the launch of the NEW Delta range with its unique adjustable rear axle including an XL model for clients up to 195cm tall and a cycle trailer conversion kit for the Small and Medium Deltas – The Delta Trail
Alongside the Delta, we are also proud to be the UK distributor for the Hippocampe. Produced in France, this is a beach wheelchair with 3 wheels which can be used off-road and in the sea! For winter use you can also buy a set of skis to replace all the wheels!
2014 was the year we started work with our new export partners to introduce the newly re-branded Delta into new markets around the world.
2015 continues to see growth in demand for our own Delta range and also the Hippocampe beach wheelchair which remains a market leading product. The launch of our new website and online store makes our products more accessible while new features such as live chat and online quotation options are designed to improve the way Delichon communicates with its customers.
United Kingdom