It all began when a group of local people were inspired to form the “Chester and District Committee for the Disabled” to acknowledge the “United Nations International Year for Disabled Persons” in 1981. The Committee had a vision that one day they could provide disabled people with a centre of their own that could cater for their needs. The Dial House Disability Rights Centre and Community Cafe opened its doors to the public as a charity in May 1986, to provide a central point for disabled and elderly people to meet socially and to provide information about support and other allowances or equipment available to help them.
The founder of the Chester and District Committee for the Disabled, Derek Washington, sadly died before the vision became a reality. He did not, however, die in vain since thirty years on, Dial West Cheshire has developed into a thriving, user-led organisation and principal point of contact for thousands of disabled people and older people (and their families and carers) who benefit from the charity’s valuable services every year.
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